
Monday, November 7, 2011

Diabetes and Pancreas - The Connection Between the Two

When it comes to digestion, the pancreas is one of the most important organs in the body. One of its functions is to produce digestive enzymes to help your body digest the foods you eat as it enters the upper part of the bowels. Its second function is to produce insulin. It is the second function that is of main concern to those with diabetes.

Insulin is a hormone. One of the most important hormones in the body. The pancreas is located deep in the abdomen, between the stomach and the spine. In people of normal health, beta cells or B cells in the pancreas generate the insulin hormone. There's also another group of cells called A cells which produce the hormone glucagen which will raise the blood glucose level when the glucose level gets too low. In essence, the pancreas regulates the the amount of sugar in the blood.

The body can't directly convert food into energy. When you eat, the body's digestive system breaks down the food into a substance that the body can use - glucose. When the level of glucose reaches a certain limit, a call is made to the pancreas.

This is where insulin comes in. The cells of the body need energy. The cells of the body are surrounded by membranes to protect them. It's like a door. In order for the cells to use the glucose in the blood, however, their door must be unlocked. It is the insulin that does the unlocking. If the cell doors aren't unlocked, you could have all the potential energy in the world, in the form of glucose, and it would not matter. It is unusable by the cells without insulin.

In other words, insulin is important to your body because it opens up the cells so your body can utilize the glucose that is produced from the foods that we eat. Without insulin, the body would essentially starve as the surplus glucose builds up in the body which is unable to use it.

If you have ever wondered why many diabetics seem to be always so tired, it is due exactly to the fact that their body cannot convert the foods that they have eaten into energy - leaving the person listless and tired.

The body being unable to produce enough insulin is one of the causes of diabetes. The lack of insulin causes the blood sugar to escalate outside of normal ranges. In diabetics, as the person's body is unable to use the glucose in the blood for energy, it turns to another source for food - the fat and muscle tissue.

The pancreas is important because it is the one organ that is responsible for maintaining the delicate balance between having too much glucose in the bloodstream and too little.

In an instance where something goes wrong with the pancreas and it is unable to produce enough insulin, the blood glucose will begin to raise until it reaches dangerous levels. If something is then, not done, the excess glucose in the bloodstream will start to damage the major organs in the body.

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

How To Sell More Raffle Tickets for Your Fundraiser

A lot of groups need help with selling raffle tickets because there isn't much in the way of good ticket sales advice out there. So, here are some tips on how to sell raffle tickets that should double or triple your revenue.

Sales Targets

These are your target markets:

Family and friends

Neighbors and co-workers

General public

As you can see, the last group is by far the largest, so that's where you need to focus your sales efforts. Don't ignore the first two groups. They just need to be sold to face-to-face because it's harder to turn someone down when they're standing right in front of you.

Have the raffle tickets in hand when you ask for their support. Hand them a flyer listing all the prizes, the ticket price, and the particulars about the prize drawing. It should also prominently state why you're raising funds.

Don't over talk it. Just ask for their help and assume they are giving it. Use the assumptive close: "We need your help with our raffle fundraiser. How many should I count you in for?"

The key point is not to explain everything, let the flyer do that by putting it in their hand immediately. Your task is to make the sale quickly and you do that by assuming they have already said yes. They'll either acquiesce and buy tickets or toss out a defensive objection that you can quickly counter.

Raffle Ticket Sales To General Public

The best place to sell lots of tickets is at high-traffic locations such as shopping centers, grocery stores, drug stores, home improvement stores, Wal-Mart, etc.

Get permission from the store manager ahead of time to set up a sales table outside the entrance. Pick times when there's lots of shoppers and position your table so it's easily seen as people approach the store.

Place signs in front of and behind the table explaining the reason you are raising funds and clearly stating the raffle ticket price. Example signage: "School Fundraiser Raffle - $10,000 Grand Prize"; "Help Us Buy New Playground Equipment."

The purpose of the signs is to "pre-sell" people as they approach so they will be more receptive to your offer. Those who aren't interested will avoid eye contact and hurry by, the rest are your prime prospects that you want to approach and hand the raffle flyer.

One more thing about selling raffle tickets. It's all in how you present the raffle opportunity. It's actually quite similar to any fundraising product sales pitch.

There are three main points:

1 - Explain why you are raising funds

2 - Ask for their help to meet your goal

3 - Use the word "because" with your call to action

So, let's look at an example raffle ticket sales pitch for a school fundraiser.

We're doing a raffle to raise funds for new playground equipment for our school.

Can you help us meet our goal by buying a ticket because the prize is $10,000?

You don't want to say too much about the raffle in your pitch. Groups always make that mistake.

You want to state a problem that you're solving (need for new playground equipment), ask them directly for their help, and use the word "because" as a psychological trigger to get a positive response.

When using a sales table at a shopping center, do the same thing with your signage. Create pairs of signs that work together to make those three points.

If they have questions, then you explain details about the raffle prizes and how much fun the event will be. Remember, enthusiasm sells, so don't wear yourself out trying to explain everything to every prospect. That's why you use the signs and the sales pitch.

Raffle Tickets Summary

You can easily sell many more tickets by using the right approach. With friends, neighbors, and co-workers, it's the assumptive close that works best.

With the general public, it's all about leveraging high-traffic locations with sales tables, signage, and a two-sentence sales pitch. Use both of these sales strategies and you'll double or triple your raffle ticket sales.

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Alternative Treatment for Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatment for Prostate Cancer Hyperthermia is the most successful and low side effects cancer tratment available in the world. Dr James Bicher, a pioneer in the field of Hyperthermia, has been successfully treating pations for over 30 years with this FDA approved cancer treatment modality. Hyperthermia does not have the sexual side effects of impotence, incontinence, and possible diarrhea. Those sexual side effects from surgery, high radiation does, hormone therapy, or chemotherapy, could be temporal (moths or up to two years) or permanent. # Alternative Approaches to Prostate Cancer - Michael Schachter MD ... All prostate cancer patients should use alternative cancer therapies. In general, they should be used prior to beginning conventional treatment. ... (Alternative Prostate Cancer) treatment Holistic( Prostate Cancer ... (Alternative Prostate Cancer) treatment Holistic Prostate Cancer cure, VCI researches and clinically uses Hyperthermia, natural less toxic cancerocidal ... treatments for prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment ... Prostate Cancer Treatment | Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatment |. institute for cancer research. APJohn. Prostate Cancer ... - Alternative prostate cancer treatment alternative prostate cancer treatment - Prostate cancer is an attack of the male prostate gland by a mass of harmful cells. Prostate cancer is most common.

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